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Quill features two officially supported themes: snow and bubble see DEMO. Themes primarily control the visual look of Quill through its CSS stylesheet, and many changes can easily be made by overriding these rules. At the very least, the core theme must be included for modules like toolbars or tooltips to work.

To activate a theme, import the stylesheet for the themes you want to use.

import '@vueup/vue-quill/dist/vue-quill.snow.css';
// OR | AND
import '@vueup/vue-quill/dist/vue-quill.bubble.css';
// you can use both themes at the same time and use them interchangeably

These stylesheets can be found in the Quill distribution, but for convenience, they are also linked in VueQuill's dist folder.

Then, pass the name of the theme to the theme prop.

  <QuillEditor theme="snow" .../>

Released under the MIT License.