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  • Arguments: { delta: Delta, oldContents: Delta, source: Sources }

    Triggered when the text changes


  • Arguments: { range: RangeStatic, oldRange: RangeStatic, source: Sources }

    Triggered when the selections changes


  • Arguments:

    • { name: 'text-change', delta: Delta, oldContents: Delta, source: Sources}


    • { name: 'selection-change', range: RangeStatic, oldRange: RangeStatic, source: Sources }

    Triggered when the editor changes, either text-change or selection-change


  • Arguments: content: Delta

    Triggered when the editor content changes


  • Arguments: editor: Ref<Element>

    Triggered when the editor gains focus.


  • Arguments: editor: Ref<Element>

    Triggered when the editor loses focus.


  • Arguments: quill: Quill

    Triggered after Quill initialization.

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